Electric Car Maintenance: Everything You Need to Know

Electric Car Maintenance: Everything You Need to Know

Electric Car Maintenance: Everything You Need to Know
Posted on Oct 17th, 2022

Electric motors have far fewer moving parts than internal combustion engines. This means electric cars often require far less maintenance (and can be cheaper to operate) than their gas-burning counterparts. Still, EVs require regular maintenance.

Battery Maintenance

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory of the United States predicts today's EV batteries will have service lives between 12 and 15 years if used in moderate climates. This falls to between 8 and 12 years if regular use occurs in extreme environments.

Regardless, EV batteries require next-to-no maintenance throughout their service life. That said, there are a number of things drivers can do to extend the service life of their EV's battery pack.

Steer Clear of Extreme Temperatures

Extreme temperatures (both hot and cold) are Kryptonite to batteries. Automakers factor this into the development of their EVs, fitting them with the necessary auxiliary cooling and heating systems to help keep the temperature of the battery in acceptable levels.

Don't Plan to Use Fast Chargers All the Time

Despite their convenience in rapid recharging, fast chargers degrade battery packs at a quicker rate than slower 120- or 240-volt charging. However, just how much fast charging impacts battery life isn't known precisely in these relatively early days of modern EVs. Of course, in a road-trip scenario fast charging is necessary and there's no reason to avoid it. But buying an EV with the plan to use fast charging exclusively isn't a great idea, both from a battery life and a cost perspective. Fast charging costs three- to four-times more per kilowatt-hour of energy than you pay at home, a price that can bring the fueling cost of EVs on par with gas-powered vehicles. For example, we found it's possible to pay $100 to fast charge a Hummer EV from empty to full.

Try Not to Fully Charge or Deplete the Battery

Batteries degrade more quickly when charged to full capacity or when depleted of all their energy. On the plus side, many manufacturers prevent full-capacity charging in order to assist in the battle against battery degradation. Most cars have settings to charge to a level less than 100 percent, and many automakers suggest charging to a level of 85- or 90-percent for daily use.

EV Maintenance vs. Gas Cars

Converting electricity into mechanical energy creates heat, and like gas cars, electric vehicles need to keep their powertrain components cool to ensure everything continues to work as it should. Some use air to do this, while others use some form of coolant or refrigerant to prevent components from overheating.

Check the Cooling System and Wiper Fluid

For EVs that use coolant or the like, it may be necessary to flush or recharge the system periodically. The Ford Mustang Mach-E and F-150 Lightning owner's manuals recommend checking the integrity of cooling system hoses, as well as the cooling system level and strength, at six-month intervals. Meanwhile, the Porsche Taycan owner's manual recommends checking coolant levels as part of the car's routine service.

Regardless of what's powering your car, you're going to need to regularly refill your windshield washer fluid. Same goes for replacing the windshield wipers, as well.


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